Spleen Tapping

Spleen Tapping

Spleen Tapping We have many ‘energy points’ in and around our bodies and as a result can access them to enhance our lives.  Energy points are arranged along the body’s 14 major meridian lines. In fact, the spleen point is the last point along the...


With all ailments we want to heal the true cause rather than apply a band-aid solution. True healing hence in this case, means getting to the root-cause of the constipation. The true cause may be something physical. This may therefore be a lack of fibre. The true...
Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy

Absolute Wellbeing offers Cupping Therapy as an adjunct to your Remedial Massage session. During your massage you have the opportunity to not only experience the deep traditional form of remedial massage to relieve pain and tension. In addition, cupping therapy, at...
Thymus Tapping

Thymus Tapping

Before I start working in my clinic each day I discipline myself to be ready for you. Opening up my own energy field, I figure, is essential to servicing you. To open, move and improve your energy during your concentrated session. There are many ways we can move...


Digital Detox is the most modern detox of our time which will greatly improve our lives. WAIT!!!!! Are you getting palpitations by reading the title? Don’t click out. Hear me out. Before we go any further, we all know the hold our devices, particularly our...
Peace to Illness

Peace to Illness

We live in a world full of stress and toxins. Those of us that live in large cities are especially prone to stress and toxic overload. I though take a positive view on this living situation which after all we take on by choice. It is possible to keep our bodies...
distance healing

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