Kinergetics Sydney

Kinergetics Sydney

Getting the most out of your Kinergetics sessions Being hydrated at all times is essential. Being hydrated for kinergetics sessions allows us to get deeper into your healing. Drink water to a level where your urine is a light straw colour. If your thirsty you may be...


   With all ailments we want to heal the true cause rather than apply a band-aid solution. True healing hence in this case, means getting to the root-cause of the constipation. The true cause may be something physical. This may therefore be a lack of fibre. The...
Fibre on the Go

Fibre on the Go

How much fibre do we need each day? The fibre target always seems to hard to aim toward because we are busy? Keep reading to receive your free high fibre food list today. Getting our heads around fibre seems to be very difficult to understand because we have too many...
distance healing

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