
What is Kinesiology?

I’d love to work with you either in Sydney or wherever you are around the world.

What is Kinesiology?

If your new to Kinesiology and Distance Healing you may wonder how it all  works. Healing isn’t confined to physical space. Energy knows no bounds. Before and during your session, I tune in and ‘hold space’ for what needs to unfold. You’re supported throughout your healing. We interact throughout the session and a I find blocks which are restricting your goals. We talk them through, I correct imbalances, and we quickly move through your list of intentions for your session. It is amazing. All you really need to know is that Kinesiology Sydney WORKS!

What is Kinesiology?

I believe in me

The world is a mirror to ourselves. Whatever we think inside ourselves is just what the world mirrors to us. To learn more come in and have a session. You will love it..

Our image of ourselves

It is time for you. No more focusing solely on your kids, husband, parents and family. It is time to reprogram your thoughts or  I am…………                                                                 

You can be living the most fulfilling life now! Come into a session – Kinesiology Sydney Epping

What is Kinesiology?

What can be treated using Kinergetics?

  • Pain
  • Digestive Health
  • Hormonal Health
  • Headaches/Migraine
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep issues
  • Candida
  • Heavy Metal Release
  • Temporo Mandibular Jaw (TMJ) release
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Trauma Release
  • Unknown or Known worries
  • Stress at work
  • Relationship worries
  • No purpose in life
  • Not living and speaking truth
  • Phobias
  • Overwhelm
  • Self Esteem- not feeling confident and worthy
  • Unable to be who you truly know you are
  • Feeling low with no purpose
  • Feeling despair and uncertain

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distance healing

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