I open myself to others naturally. Creative and sexual energy have the power to create and transform. Honour One Another The sacral chakra’s the first of seven main chakra’s set at the naval centre. Furthermore, the Sacral Chakra is our emotional centre....
Nutrition and dehydration go hand in hand. The question, “Are you hydrated?” is an important one, and something that is checked upon prior to every kinesiology session. Unfortunately hydration isn’t only about the amount of water we are drinking. We...
When we heal through kinesiology we are healing with energy. Our systems are made of energy and when our bodies are not functioning as we like there is a disruption to the energy which needs to be balanced. This is where chakra’s are explained. Chakra’s...
Kinergetics Accurate Testing Kinesiology is simply the study of movement. We analyse movement in the form of testing the strength of muscles in your body. From here we are able to accurately begin to form a picture of your overall health. Certain muscles we test, or...
How important is a good night’s sleep? If we are sleeping well, we don’t even think about it. When we aren’t and insomnia takes hold, it really can rule our lives as we feel tired, foggy, constant yawning, not able to concentrate, having a poor...
Kinesiology versus Kinergetics What exactly is the difference? A common question I often get asked is, “What is the difference between Kinesiology and Kinergetics?” To be honest, I use these terms interchangeably. But to try to explain. I’ll use the...