Subconsious sabotages
Kinergetics has taught me that unfortunately our subconscious mind has a much greater ‘pull’ than our conscious mind. This is why clearing any sabotaging behaviours is essential. Something that has happened in your past is running a continuous subconscious program in your mind that has a much stronger pull than your current conscious mind wanting to act in a positive way.
The result is you are not drinking enough water because someone in your past let you know you are not worthy enough (unrelated to water). You sabotage that future job you keep just missing out on because your sabotaging your success- did someone in your past told you that you would never amount to much?
Are you sabotaging your
- weight loss
- weight maintenance
- self love
- assertiveness
- thought patterns etc
This is again where kinergetics is absolutely brilliant. Not only does your body indicate via muscle testing you need a sabotage release due to a block you have in your life; drinking inadequate water, always coming second best for that job etc, but we are actually able to find what the sabotage is, when its inception was and best of all release it.
If your ready to finally move forward and leave sabotages and past negative patterns behind give kinergetics a go. You won’t look back.
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Enjoy your journey of awakening and empowerment with Suzie – Kinesiology, Five Dock, Inner West, Sydney With an open-minded approach, Suzie allows you to feel vulnerable in a secure and safe space to release pent up blocks discovered and released in your sessions allowing forward moving direction to the tune of your hearts desires. During this healing time you are free to release and transform that which does not serve you. This transformative healing takes you to your best version of self, playing your world better than every before.