Below I have specifically thought of 5 unusual ways to self love you may not have considered. Let’s dive right in.
Firstly, your birth longitude and latitude reveals much about the areas of human life that you were destined to experience. You are unique. You are a beautiful soul. The complexity of astrology astounds me. The detail which we can draw from to become self aware. Also, this self knowledge is an avenue of self love.
We are a greater matrix than our sun sign. You have a north node giving information of your soul journey. The position of your planets relative to each other affect many aspects of your life too.
Sound Healing
In recent weeks I have been thrown into the realm of sound healing. Synchronicities, co-incidences etc have taken me to the land of sound healing. I mediate, do yoga, sharmonic journeying in conjunction with a singing bowl. Think of sound healing and vibration. We know that illness is the manifestation of disharmony within our energies realm. Therefore, negative energy we hold onto leads to imbalance in the cells of our body.
We know when healing we balance the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual components of ourselves simultaneously. In fact, to aid, sound therapy could be added into your own realm of healing. Try Tibetan singing bowls, Crystal bowls, Sharmonic Drumming, singing, chanting, humming or anything that resonates with your liking.
Breathe in Prana
Next, when we think of 5 unusual ways to self love prana is possibly not the first thing to come to mind. Well that is the point right. Rather than thinking of prana as breath, think of it as energy of the creative life.
Prana is life that comes from the element of air. It is a gift you can consciously give to yourself. Mindful breathing is called pranayam, it gives prosperity, projection and personality and increases your aura. There are many modes of mindful pranayam. Attend a yoga class or google. The benefits will astound you.
Cleanse and Protect
Clear stagnant energy and raise your vibration. In my experience when our vibrations are high we tend to move forward with ease and grace. Anything that makes you feel good and keeps your energy clean and clear. I encourage you to make a list of high vibration ‘to do list’. It may include a eating plan that suits your body type, regular practice of smoking through your house and workplace with white sage, taking supplements you are deficient in, be hydrated, find true love, powernap, have a magnesium bath, chant etc, etc, etc
Be empowered
Empowerment is in my eyes a state of projecting pure love and hope. Command your field, live your truth, always. As you do you will live in your energy, you will project the true you to others and the universe. You will attract others who resonate with your truth and an important note here, you will have those that do not resonate leave… this can be an important road to lead.
In sessions a common conversation is that individuals often don’t live and speak their truth. They mask themselves to please others sometimes to a point where they don’t recognise who they truly are. This can be a very upsetting realisation and awakening. They act and speak as they THINK others want them to. Therefore, they are not in their own space and carry a low vibration. Being empowered is kind to others, in the long run, and more importantly so important to showing love to yourself..
Servicing kinesiology to the Inner West and locations across the world via distance sessions
Absolute Wellbeing services everyone ready to be the best version of themselves. Ready to move blocks and restrictions built up over this lifetime and ancestral or past life trauma.
Absolute Wellbeing services kinesiology to the Inner West of Sydney – suburbs including Abbotsford, Annandale, Ashbury, Ashfield, Burwood, Balmain, Birchgrove, Breakfast Point, Cabarita, Camperdown, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Chiswick, Concord, Croydon, Drummoyne, Dulwich Hill, Enfield, Enmore, Erskineville, Five Dock, Forest Lodge, Glebe, Haberfield, Homebush, Hurlstone park, Leichhardt, Lewisham, Liberty Cove, Lilyfield, Marrickville Mortlake, Newington, Newtown, Strathfield, Petersham, Rhodes, Rodd Point, Rozelle, Russell Lee, St Peter’s, Stanmore, Summer Hill, Sydenham, Tempe and Wareemba

Enjoy your journey of awakening and empowerment with Suzie – Kinesiology, Five Dock, Inner West, Sydney With an open-minded approach, Suzie allows you to feel vulnerable in a secure and safe space to release pent up blocks discovered and released in your sessions allowing forward moving direction to the tune of your hearts desires. During this healing time you are free to release and transform that which does not serve you. This transformative healing takes you to your best version of self, playing your world better than every before.